Wolf Blitzer

  • 网络布利策;布利泽;布利兹;布里泽;布利哲
Wolf BlitzerWolf Blitzer
  1. This video was taken inside North Korea , when CNN Wolf Blitzer went there in 2010 .


  2. And today Wolf Blitzer joined the course of CNN analyst who said that probably won 't happen .


  3. Wolf Blitzer of CNN described the footage as " the image that sums up the day and , in many ways , the war itself . "


  4. Feinstein told CNN 's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer that she didn 't believe any of the information came from the top ranks of the White House .


  5. " We can 't overemphasize how significant this is ," says CNN 's Wolf Blitzer . " It 's one of those moments that we will always , always remember . "


  6. Cafferty , who appears daily on CNN 's " The Situation Room ," made the remarks as host Wolf Blitzer was comparing today 's China to that of20 or30 years ago .
